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FLSmidth Sustainability Report 2022
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VIKING CSR Report 2019
Welcome to our 2019 CSR report. The brought with it many exciting developments and achievements for VIKING Life-Saving Equipment. We acquired Drew Marine’s Fire Safety (FSR) division, which is one of the top three marine fire service providers in the world.
VIKING CSR report 2018
2018 was a year of achievements for VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S (VIKING). The most significant of these was the acquisition of Norway-based lifeboat and davits manufacturer, Norsafe, adding some 800 employees into the VIKING family. Norsafe has contributed to maritime safety for over a century and, through this acquisition, we have strengthened our presence and ability to service the maritime industry.
Palsgaard CSR report 2018
Palsgaard’s CSR approach is underpinned by Palsgaard’s long-standing core values, open communication with our stakeholders, a materiality review, the UN Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals. Four CSR focus areas help to keep us aligned when implementing CSR-related activities throughout the organisation.
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VIKING CSR report 2017
Welcome to our Corporate Social Responsibility Report for 2017. Since its founding in 1960, VIKING has focused on saving passengers and crew in life-threatening situations. For many years now, we have also worked to simplify the process for shipowners and other maritime decision makers when it comes to establishing and maintaining a high level of safety. We view our products and services as a contribution to creating a safer world. Our contributions also extend beyond our products and services, including our commitment to supporting the local communities in which we operate.
Palsgaard CSR report 2017
VIKING Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2016
VIKING’s CSR strategy is inspired and guided by the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact and the UNs Sustainable Development Goals.