Content created for ZITON
The offshore O&M framework agreement revolution
The new paradigm of turnkey maintenance contracts
Better cooperation across the offshore wind industry will help reduce costs of wind energy
Report calls for lower outage time
E.ON launches new offshore wind O&M strategy at Scroby Sands
In what could signify a crossroads for the offshore wind industry, E.ON has internalised the O&M of offshore wind turbines at Scroby Sands. I spoke recently with Scroby Sands’ Operations Manager Keith Cooke about it, who told me the warranty period for these turbines was coming to an end, and instead of renewing the warranty, they decided to take on the maintenance themselves.
How to establish a safe offshore wind jack-up foundation
Establishing a safe foundation is a vital part of jack-up operations. The jack-up vessel needs to be supported by an absolutely solid foundation during the entire jack-up operation at any given site.
Reducing offshore wind costs through jack-up vessel collaboration
The Crown Estate has recently released its report focusing on how jack-up vessels can help bring down costs in the maintenance of offshore wind turbines.
Political instability stands in the way of lower prices
As long as politicians delay long-term plans within sustainable energy and threaten to reopen the energy discussions at a political level, it’ll be impossible to reduce offshore wind energy prices.
The secret behind a strong safety culture in offshore wind
Why are there fewer work accidents within teams of people who have worked together for a long time?
Carbon Trust: Seven challenges facing offshore wind
The Carbon Trust helps businesses, governments and the public sector with efforts to move to a sustainable, low carbon economy through carbon reduction, energy-saving strategies and commercialising low carbon technologies.