Content created for VIKING Life-Saving Equipment
Stena drilling streamlines safety equipment management backed by proven VIKING solution
VIKING Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2016
VIKING’s CSR strategy is inspired and guided by the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact and the UNs Sustainable Development Goals.
VIKING boosts support for Japanese shipowners
Spurred on by a highly successful alliance with MOL Techno-Trade, and recent government approvals for local liferaft assembly and supply, VIKING is establishing its own local presence.
VIKING safety outsourcing solution tailored to fuel offshore optimism
The presence of VIKING Life-Saving Equipment at OTC 2018 is a chance for offshore asset owners and operators to achieve new cost-efficiencies and reduce production risks by further simplifying safety compliance management.
VIKING sees a slight improvement in cargo and offshore
For the second consecutive year, revenue and earnings remained stagnant for 2017 at VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S.
VIKING to announce unique polar MES at Seatrade Cruise Global
VIKING Life-Saving Equipment is set to announce another major innovation for those who want to stay safe while exploring Polar waters – the VIKING VEC PlusTM Polar.
MARINTEC 2017: New VIKING MES cuts servicing costs
VIKING will introduce visitors to its latest MES solution that enables shipowners and operators to significantly reduce servicing costs and administration.
VIKING gaining ground in continued difficult market
VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S is experiencing a moderate slowdown following several years of continuous growth.
OCENCO EEBD replacement saves shipowners 60%
Thousands of Ocenco M-20.2 EEBDs from 2002 will need replacing before 1 July 2017 – and exclusive distributor VIKING is presenting a hard-to-beat business case.
VIKING SAATSEA introduces 24/7 onboard isps courses
Shipowners hoping to save training costs, reduce risks and increase the efficiency of ISPS maritime security compliance can now take advantage of new, computer-based training from VIKING Saatsea.